How old you are: 23
Your TeamSpeak Name example: Pjanić
Your Real Name without family name: Kemal
From which Country you are: Bosnia & Herzegovina
Which languages do you speak: Bosnian, English (active), German(30%), Turkish (30%)
Your U-ID example: i9Ii8+Mvyo4FLfZfF14+jTBEUi8=
Your TeamSpeak Level: 23
Experience in TeamSpeak [Admin/Moderator/Supporter on other Server]: KGB Hosting (Moderator), TeamSpeak Manager on 90% SA:MP TS3 servers, and many other gaming TeamSpeak servers. I can explain that via voice on this TeamSpeak.
Why you want to be a part of the Team minimum 30 Words: Because I was looking for good and active servers for long time and I founded that Pentu is number one with players and clients. I want to prove my skills on TeamSpeak. I want to help new members with everything. I know how to work in all situations and deal with all kind of a problems. Also I can work in team environment and I am fast learner with all kind of requirements. To be honest I also work in Photoshop for long time and I can be designer for TeamSpeak who need that. I think my application will be approved or maybe I can talk with someone in Support channel. I’m going to be active member of this server. Regards, Kemchy.