1 of the things which would be nice on teamspeak is having like a clan with a nametag. For example lets say that u can get a clan but there have to be more than 5 people in the clan and the teamspeak staff makes a special rank on a teamspeak with your clan tag and for example the clan gets like 3 channels. Also u can make ranks for the clans like Leader , vLeader , support ect.
I think it would be very nice and it will looks better and it will attract more people to join the teamspeak pernamently not only for like 20 minutes to talk to your friends if you know what I mean.
More people will join teamspeak because lots of people are looking for a teamspeaks servers that have stuff like clans, and people that are sitting on pentu.eu will start to invite their other friends .
suggestion by yzl the man who everyone loves 🙂